Last winter in Vermont there were a total of 6 blue sky sunny days. Slow moving low pressure systems dominated the weather. Slow moving means not much wind in addition to heavy cloud cover. Renewables were practically absent for weeks at a time. I downloaded screenshots of daily NOAA satellite photos of the Northeast and stitched them into a video. https://youtu.be/2sBJGodcGIU?si=IT1Eh6NeDo49Pui5

Renewables are no way to power the grid or to save the planet if you live in New England. Net Zero CO2 emissions by 2050 is a path down a cul de sac of energy poverty.

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Agreed. Energy poverty is lethal. New England is now dependent mostly on fossil energy to keep people from freezing during the cold winters. Since we are warm-blooded animals, about five times as many people die from being too cold relative to those that die from overheating.

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