Remember in 2020 when Trump filed 61 motions in various courts? And every single one was thrown out, several by the supreme court. Well this time prepare for every single one to be appealed up to the supreme court where they will find in favor of Trump.
Remember in 2020 where there were a couple of MAGA true believers in positions of authority in the election bureaucracy in various states? Almost entirely in a minority of 1 that could be overruled. Well this time prepare for a majority, sometimes all members, choosing to disregard election results that do not favor Trump. And when these actions are appealed up to the supreme court, they will find in favor of these crazies. And they will discard the election results.
Remember the slates of “alternate electors”? This time prepare for them to be presented to Congress. And if appealed to the supreme court, they will validate the alternate slates.
We are going to have election fraud in 2024. Not in the voting and counting, but in what is done with those results where they will be discarded or adjusted as needed to provide Trump the win.
And as the Supreme Court just showed us, they are willing to ignore the constitution, ignore the law, ignore the foundational guardrails we have in place for our Democracy, and blatantly throw the election to Donald Trump. They just did it so why should the operate any differently in the election?