The media holds a special place in our system of government. It is given immense protection in the first amendment. At its best it illuminates what we need to learn about our government. And it often performs this brilliantly.
Unfortunately, in the last couple of decades we see less and less of the media at its best and more and more of it as a pathetic shell of its former self desperately following the story of the day in a desperate bid for clicks and followers.
What is almost all the reporting on today? Will Biden withdraw from the race. An important story yes. But tertiary at best. And at the same time, no attention is being paid to the much more important stories we have right now.
The biggest story at preset, by far, is that the Supreme Court, in one of the two worst decisions in its history, turned the President into a King. This went against the clear wording of the constitution and the clear intent of the founding fathers. This also made plain the raw corruption of the 6 conservative members of the court who are clearly willing to twist their logic to fit their goals.
The second biggest story at present is the Supreme Court’s decision (yes they’re on a tear destroying the fabric of our society) to unwind the administrative state. They have overridden the clear wording of Congress to make themselves the final decision for all questions in front of the agencies. A role that not only did Congress not give them, but which they are laughably unqualified for (see Gorsuch confusing nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide).
The third biggest story is the Republicans 2025 project. This is the game plan for future King Trump to remake the United States as a theocracy. To make us the Christian equivalent of Iran. This is the game plane for the front runner in the race for the presidency.
And yet, virtually no discussion of this proposed fundamental restructuring of our society - that could be started this upcoming January. The news media should be educating the people, in detail, about these proposed changes as they’ll impose fundamental changes throughout our society and possibly tear the country apart.
Now, finally, comes the fourth biggest story. A story that does deserve some attention. Is the presidential candidate mentally capable of handling the job of President. But even here, with few exceptions, the focus is solely on President Biden.
Where are the stories about the nonsensical word salads spewing from Donald Trump’s mouth? Even for those grading Trump on a curve, he’s clearly declined a lot over the last 4 years. Take the example of the NY Times where in this editorial, they describe how problematic Trump is in passing, to then state that Biden should withdraw. There’s no call on the core problem, Trump, to withdraw.
Trump, the conservative Supreme Court, the Republican party, have all created this world where their actions are now the norm to be accepted and not discussed. And the sole focus of the press is on the Democrats and their imperfect attempt to halt the destructive actions of the MAGA-ites.
Just as many of the other guardrails of our society have failed us under the assault by Trump, most (not all) of the media has failed to step up and do their job under this unprecedented assault. History will not treat them kindly.
Shout this from the rooftops! Yes, the media is failing us. Much worse than in the time after Murrow and his Boys brilliantly covered WWII. This time Democracy will be destroyed.